Harley Chambers Hotel: A Transformative Development

The Harley Chambers Hotel project is a transformative development that addresses Christchurch’s need for site revitalisation.
Woolworths New Zealand Ltd – Christchurch Fresh Distribution Centre

Planz successfully secured resource consent for the development of the Woolworths Christchurch Fresh Distribution Centre, located in Selwyn.
Wakatu Quay Development

Planz successfully obtained resource consent for the Wakatu Quay development in Kaikoura, working on behalf of the Kaikoura District Council.
Belfast Commercial Centre

Planz Consultants assisted Belfast Village Centre Limited in obtaining resource consent for the development of a new greenfield commercial centre in Belfast.
Air BnB – Short Term Visitor Accommodation

Planz Consultants Limited played a critical role in refining Christchurch’s short-term visitor accommodation rules (Plan Change 4).
Hearings and Commissioner work

Planz boasts a team of experienced Commissioners, all accredited under the Ministry for the Environment’s Making Good Decisions programme.

Planz is highly experienced in guiding clients through the preparation of submissions and subsequent hearing evidence in response to resource consents and plan changes. Our services cover the full spectrum of tasks, from reviewing proposed plan changes to drafting submissions, working constructively during mediation to resolve issues and avoid hearings, presenting evidence at hearings, and assisting with Environment Court appeals when necessary.
Te Ara Ihutai – Coastal Pathway (Moncks Bay Segment): A Story of Innovation and Teamwork

The Christchurch Coastal Pathway, a collaboration between the local community and the Christchurch City Council, extends from Ferrymead to Scarborough Beach and opened in late November 2023.
Rolleston Retail Centre

Planz Consultants Limited supported the client in creating a high-quality town centre high street development in Rolleston, the rapidly growing heart of Selwyn District.

Planz has extensive experience in enabling the establishment/expansion of new supermarkets to serve local communities.