We’re excited to share that Planz Consultants, along with the Christchurch City Council and Boffa Miskell, has received the NZPI Rodney Davis Award for our work on the Te Ara Ihutai (Moncks Bay) part of the Christchurch Coastal Pathway. This award acknowledges our innovative approach and success in a project that not only improves the landscape but also supports community and environmental values.

About the Project
The Coastal Pathway project, stretching from Ferrymead to Scarborough Beach, was finished in November 2023. A central feature of this  initiative is the innovative segment between Shag Rock and the Moncks Bay Yacht Club, featuring an cantilevered design. This section highlights the technical ingenuity required, perfectly balanced with ecological sensitivity and community needs.

A Collaborative Project
This project was a team effort from start to finish. Working closely with the Christchurch City Council, Boffa Miskell, and various experts, we used advanced planning methods while balancing construction requirements. Key achievements include reclaiming coastal land while protecting penguin habitats and managing coastal and groundwater. Our planners—Matt Bonis, Catherine Boulton, Carmen Taylor, and Cassino Doyle—were crucial in handling regulations and securing permits to meet environmental and planning standards.

Transforming Spaces, Connecting Communities
The pathway has swiftly become a vibrant esplanade, cherished by runners, cyclists, kayakers, birdwatchers, and more. Anticipated to attract over a million users annually, including tourists, the pathway stands as a beacon of resilience, community spirit, and ecological awareness. It serves as a vital link between Christchurch’s southeastern suburbs, enhancing community connectivity and fostering an appreciation for our environment.

Looking Ahead
The Rodney Davis Project Award symbolises our commitment to innovation, excellence in planning, and the power of teamwork. As we celebrate this achievement, we extend our gratitude to the Christchurch City Council for giving us the opportunity to be a part of this incredible project, to Boffa Miskell for their environmental expertise, and to all the technical experts and construction team who constructed the pathway.  By working together, we’re helping navigate Aotearoa towards a better future, creating not just a pathway but a lasting legacy for everyone to enjoy.