Hearing Commissioners
The Planz team includes a number of experienced Commissioners, who are all accredited under the Ministry of the Environment Making Good Decisions programme.
Dean, Bob, Justine, Matt, Nick, and Jonathan have all acted as Commissioners, considering a range of resource consents and plan change proposals. Our experience includes both sitting alone and chairing hearings as part of a panel of elected members and/or specialist experts.
We have extensive experience in managing the hearing process and writing clear, justifiable decisions. The nature of hearings range from large-scale wind farms and irrigation schemes and major plan changes and District Plan reviews, through to smaller projects with more contained hearings of only a handful of submitters, or where decisions can be undertaken ‘on the papers’ and do not require a hearing.
Personnel and experience
- Queenstown Lakes District Plan Review
- Horowhenua District Plan Review
- Waiparara and Pareora Catchment Allocation chapters of the Canterbury Regional Plan
- Central Plains Water irrigation scheme
- North Canterbury wind farm
- Christchurch Adventure Park mountain biking facility
- Various dwellings on undersized rural lot
- Various health facilities, cafes, and preschools in residential areas
- Rural contractors yards