Billboards and signage

Billboards and signage

Client | Various
Project Personnel | Susannah Tait, Matt Bonis, Justine Ashley
Location and Completion Date | Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin, Queenstown – ongoing

The Planz team have extensive experience in successfully consenting a wide variety of billboards and signage across a range of locations and contexts. Large billboards and LED displays can be especially challenging to consent and typically involve liaison with lighting, transport, and urban design experts to achieve a successful and consentable design outcome. Planz has a team of such experts that we regularly work with and are well-versed in the preparation and presentation of evidence at hearings. Our familiarity with the challenges involved in gaining approval means that we are well-placed to provide planning advice at an early stage to assist clients in identifying sites that are both commercially viable and that have a good prospect of successfully achieving consent.

Other resource consent projects

Te Ara Ihutai, (Moncks Bay) Christchurch Coastal Pathway 

The Christchurch Coastal Pathway represents a collaboration between the local community and the Christchurch City Council. The project employed advanced planning techniques, notably in reclaiming coastal land while safeguarding the local penguin habitats. Its complex construction involved diverting coastal and groundwater, showcasing an innovative approach to environmental challenges. The project required joint Christchurch City Council and regional council consent.

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Oxford Terrace research and teaching facility for University of Otago – consented with the assistance of Planz

Oxford Terrace – Research and Teaching Facility

Planz obtained resource consent for University of Otago's new $178 million Christchurch building in March 2021. The stunning architecturally designed six-storey building will be a welcome addition to the City’s Health Precinct, and part of the University’s Christchurch Campus.

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Resource consent for quarry

Quarries and bulk earthworks/water storage

Planz has extensive experience in aggregate extraction and bulk earthworks proposals for network irrigation infrastructure, which often require the assessment of a range of land use and regional matters and the management of environmental and landscape issues

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Farm improvements

Farm improvements encompass a range of activities, including the construction of workshops, farmhouses, tracks and bridges, dairy sheds, and a micro-abattoir.

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Get consent for a rural tourism proposal

Rural tourism

Planz has obtained consents for a diverse range of rural tourism providers, including jet boat tours, boutique farm accommodation and cafés.

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Wineries and wedding venues

We can help obtain the necessary resource consents to enable clients to establish wineries and associated tasting rooms and restaurants, or diversify income streams at locations such as vineyards, orchards and established gardens.

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Planz has experience in forestry consenting issues, such as land use, discharge consents, erosion and sediment control and earthworks and planting setbacks.

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Holiday homes and baches

Planz has extensive experience working with clients and architects to realise the dream for high landscape value coastal and lakeside holiday homes and baches.

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Retirement villages

Our experienced team has assisted a number of clients in achieving consent for the expansion of retirement village complexes.

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Social Housing

Planz has completed a large number of social housing projects, with these projects ranging from single replacement dwellings through to large, 90 unit complexes.

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Architecturally designed homes

Architecturally designed homes often push the limits of the built-form standards outlined in the relevant District Plan in seeking a truly unique design rather than one that simply fits within a regulatory envelope.

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Hot Salt Water Pools

The development of a new Hot Salt Water pool facility and associated childrens’ play ground is a strategic project to support the regeneration of New Brighton. Planz obtained a suite of district and regional consents for this project which included the main Hot Salt Water Pools facility, associated buildings, signage, coastal protection works and beach links as well as a children’s playground and splash pool facility.

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Dairy manufacturing

Planz has provided full planning input into obtaining the necessary resource consents to enable the construction and ongoing operation of a number Fonterra dairy plants throughout New Zealand.

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Renewable Energy

Renewable energy projects have a strategic role to play in helping New Zealand transition to a low carbon future. Planz is experienced in assisting clients realise renewable energy projects for both hydro and wind power.

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Warehouse and Distribution Centres

We provide ongoing advice and consenting for clients seeking to establish commercial warehouse and distribution centres throughout New Zealand. Early consideration of the need to carefully integrate the design of stormwater storage and treatment, and the management of hazardous substances has also often formed part of the consenting process

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Retail Stores

For this project our team assisted the client in realising implementing their vision for a high quality town centre high street development in Rolleston, Canterbury.

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Bunnings Airport Development

The Planz team worked with the client to deliver a new Bunnings retail store as part of the growing Christchurch Airport commercial and trade supplies precinct. This large store involved careful consideration of traffic flows and economic and retail impacts to ensure the store could integrate successfully into the airport campus.

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We have extensive experience in enabling the establishment of new supermarkets to serve their local communities. Projects over the last decade include new supermarkets in Hobsonville and Beachlands in Auckland, South Dunedin, Rangiora, Belfast, Hornby, Rolleston, Christchurch Airport, Edgeware, and Papanui in Canterbury

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Cook ‘n’ with Gas – adaptive reuse of a heritage villa

This project enabled the ongoing use of a heritage listed villa as a restaurant and outdoor garden bar. Consent was needed to enable the business to continue to evolve to meet changing dining preferences and to ensure a long-term economic use of the building.

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Invercargill CBD Redevelopment

Our team worked closely with Invercargill City Council processing the resource consents for two significant projects in the town centre. Both applications were complex, and required careful balancing of competing heritage and urban regeneration outcomes, where existing building stock had heritage value but was also earthquake prone and was suffering from a high degree of deferred maintenance.

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Christchurch Cathedral Restoration

Following significant earthquake damage to to the Cathedral in 2011, Planz were engaged to assist in obtaining a number of consents for the staged reconstruction. We worked collaboratively with the client, the Anglican Diocese plus design and engineering experts to facilitate the reinstatement.

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Nurse Maude Hospital Christchurch

Nurse Maude Hospital

Following significant earthquake damage to the Christchurch hospital complex, Nurse Maude's redevelopment included repair and alteration of a listed heritage building, the establishment of a new utility building and resolution of soil contamination issues, and the establishment of a new Aged Residential Care facility.

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The Planz team have extensive experience in working with clients to gain resource consents for preschool developments in residential areas.

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Christchurch Town Hall

Christchurch Town Hall Repairs & Redevelopment

This $120 million project involved significant heritage issues and required careful resolution between retaining key heritage elements whilst delivering a functional civic building that was fit for purpose and commercially viable.

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Theatre Royal

Theatre Royal Repairs & Redevelopment

The repair and rebuilding of the Theatre Royal formed an integral component of the Performing Arts Precinct as part of the wider regeneration of Central Christchurch.

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Historic Homestead repairs and alterations

Planz has considerable experience in assisting clients with consenting for alterations and additions to historic homesteads and dwellings, which often include coordinating engineering, architectural, and heritage experts to ensure documentation is appropriate

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Hydro Grand Hotel

Hydro Grand Hotel redevelopment

This challenging project involved the demolition of the heritage-listed Hydro Grand Hotel and its replacement with new office, hotel, apartment, and hospitality buildings set around a public plaza. Planz assisted in exploring repair and repurposing scenarios and in obtaining the associated engineering, heritage, and quantity surveying/ cost analysis.

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Mona Vale

Public heritage building repairs and alterations

We provide ongoing support to Councils' asset teams regarding repair and strengthening of council-controlled heritage buildings. These consents involve careful consideration of balancing the retention of heritage values with the need for economically sustainable and robust repair strategies

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Horncastle Homes

Horncastle Homes projects

Planz have had a long relationship with Horncastle Homes in obtaining consents, from assisting individual homeowners, through to multi-unit developments in inner city locations and in higher density zones in new growth areas

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Townhouses/ Multi-units

Planz has extensive experience with successfully consenting townhouse and multi-unit projects. We understand the design challenges that come with achieving desirable multi-unit living environments and the need to balance amenity, parking, courtyard gardens, and compatible integration with the surrounding neighbourhood.

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The Fitting Room

Suburban retail developments

The Planz team have extensive experience in working with clients to gain resource consents for a range of suburban shopping blocks adjacent to residential areas, from small single tenant retailers to large retail strips that typically include a range of retail, café, and community services

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Spitfire Square

Spitfire Square retail centre

Planz led the consenting for this large retail development within the Airport campus

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The Tannery

The Tannery retail and hospitality precinct

This retail and leisure facility in south Christchurch has made an important contribution towards the regeneration of the wider area. A series of consents were all obtained on a non-notified basis.

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Tekapo Hotel

Lake Tekapo – 200-room 5-star hotel

A new five-star hotel on the lake front in Tekapo required careful design and integration with the landscape and urban area to ensure success. We worked through design options with the Council and preparing and presenting evidence at a hearing.

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Lincoln Library

Lincoln Bar, Restaurant and Library

This mixed-use development in the centre of Lincoln involved a new pub, restaurant, and library, which helped to anchor the Lincoln mainstreet in this rapidly growing community.

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Hydro mixed-use, Timaru

Hydro Grand Mixed Use Development

A significant mixed-use development in Timaru involved the replacement of a derelict heritage building with a new five-storey office building, six-storey apartment tower and six-storey hotel

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Northlands Retail Centre

Northlands Retail Centre

Planz have provided ongoing planning advice and assistance with obtaining the resource consents necessary to enable the operation and development of the Northlands Shopping Centre.

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Rural contractors yards

Rural contractors’ yards

We provide ongoing advice and consenting for clients seeking to establish contractors’ yards, typically including storage and workshop facilities. Such consents often involve liaison with acoustic, traffic, and landscape experts and consideration of effects on rural character and neighbours

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Poultry farm chickens

25,000 bird free-range poultry farm

Lamond Poultry engaged Planz to assist them in first developing site selection criteria and then in obtaining the necessary consents to get the result they wanted.

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Liquigas Lyttelton Port

Liquigas expansion and upgrades

A significant increase in storage capacity for Liquigas’ primary LPG storage and distribution facility that services the upper South Island required careful planning and ongoing consultation.

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Lyttelton Marina

Lyttelton Port marina

Establishment of land-side facilities to support the development of a new recreational boating marina in Lyttleton included a master plan for the wider area

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Lyttelton Port

Port of Tauranga and Port of Lyttelton Inland Ports

Both facilities involved the construction of rail spur lines and multi-hectare facilities for handling shipping containers from the ports, plus associated warehousing and load amalgamation and distribution facilities. Consents for both were obtained on a non-notified basis.

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Christchurch Airport

Christchurch Airport Campus Development

Planz has assisted CIAL for more than 20 years, including the redevelopment of both international and domestic terminals, the control tower, multi-storey parking building, on-campus hotels and backpacker accommodation, new hangars, and a range of aviation-related warehouse and distribution facilities.

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Beckenham Methodist Church

Churches and spiritual facilities

The Planz team have assisted a wide range of churches and religious organisations in developing spiritual facilities to meet community needs.

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Healthcare - various


Planz have worked on various projects, ranging from small single professional practices in existing dwellings through to large purpose-designed healthcare centres that include a range of GP, dentist, physiotherapy, and pharmacy businesses

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Spreydon School

Primary and High School projects

A wide range of both primary and high school education projects have required Outline Plan preparation by the Planz team.

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Presbyterian Support & Methodist Mission

Presbyterian Support & Methodist Mission centres

Two separate projects enabled the redevelopment of two social support agencies following earthquake damage in the centre of Christchurch

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Spencer Park Surf Lifesaving Club

Surf Lifesaving Club redevelopments

The location of surf clubs begin within active dune systems necessitated the need to consider a wide range of issues including natural hazards, ecology, cultural, crime prevention, and acoustic matters

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Sumner Centre

Sumner Library & Museum

This project was a key milestone in the post-earthquake recovery of Sumner Village and included Urban Design Panel presentations and careful consideration of CPTED issues

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Turanga Central Library

Central Library Anchor Project

This NZ$80 million project involved careful consideration of heritage and urban design matters to ensure a functional and attractive civic building was able to be delivered

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AMI Stadium

AMI Stadium Redevelopment

Planz provided planning evidence, initial project management, and Hearing evidence for the award-winning redevelopment of AMI Stadium

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Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre

Christchurch Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre

The development of a new visitor centre and café in the Christchurch Botanic Gardens involved ongoing consultation with Ngai Tahu to deliver an award-winning building in a sensitive landscape setting.

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Hagley Oval

Hagley Oval Anchor Project

As well as preparing evidence for the Environment Court hearing, Planz worked closely with the Council’s Greenspace asset team to develop the application and associated set of conditions for this NZPI award-winning project

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Christchurch Central Bus Interchange

This project involved the preparation of an Outline Plan of Works, participating in the project presentation to the Urban Design Panel, and liaison with City Council planning staff

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