Christchurch Cathedral Restoration

Client | Christchurch Cathedral Reinstatement Limited
Project Personnel | Tim Joll
Location and Completion Date | Christchurch City, 2019 – Ongoing

Following significant earthquake damage to the Cathedral in 2011, Planz were engaged to assist in obtaining a number of consents for the staged reconstruction. We worked collaboratively with the client, the Anglican Diocese plus design and engineering experts to facilitate the reinstatement. We produced a raft of planning solutions together with compiling the necessary technical reports for the submission of high specification consent applications to Christchurch City Council.

Other heritage projects

Cook ‘n’ with Gas – adaptive reuse of a heritage villa

This project enabled the ongoing use of a heritage listed villa as a restaurant and outdoor garden bar. Consent was needed to enable the business to continue to evolve to meet changing dining preferences and to ensure a long-term economic use of the building.

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Invercargill CBD Redevelopment

Our team worked closely with Invercargill City Council processing the resource consents for two significant projects in the town centre. Both applications were complex, and required careful balancing of competing heritage and urban regeneration outcomes, where existing building stock had heritage value but was also earthquake prone and was suffering from a high degree of deferred maintenance.

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Christchurch Town Hall

Christchurch Town Hall Repairs & Redevelopment

This $120 million project involved significant heritage issues and required careful resolution between retaining key heritage elements whilst delivering a functional civic building that was fit for purpose and commercially viable.

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Theatre Royal

Theatre Royal Repairs & Redevelopment

The repair and rebuilding of the Theatre Royal formed an integral component of the Performing Arts Precinct as part of the wider regeneration of Central Christchurch.

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Historic Homestead repairs and alterations

Planz has considerable experience in assisting clients with consenting for alterations and additions to historic homesteads and dwellings, which often include coordinating engineering, architectural, and heritage experts to ensure documentation is appropriate

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Hydro Grand Hotel

Hydro Grand Hotel redevelopment

This challenging project involved the demolition of the heritage-listed Hydro Grand Hotel and its replacement with new office, hotel, apartment, and hospitality buildings set around a public plaza. Planz assisted in exploring repair and repurposing scenarios and in obtaining the associated engineering, heritage, and quantity surveying/ cost analysis.

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Mona Vale

Public heritage building repairs and alterations

We provide ongoing support to Councils' asset teams regarding repair and strengthening of council-controlled heritage buildings. These consents involve careful consideration of balancing the retention of heritage values with the need for economically sustainable and robust repair strategies

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