Keeping you informed.

Welcome to our blog! Our mission is to help navigate Aotearoa towards a better future and keep you informed about what’s happening at Planz and within the realm of planning, resource consents, and policy.
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Te Ara Ihutai – Coastal Pathway (Moncks Bay Segment): A Story of Innovation and Teamwork

We’re excited to share that Planz Consultants, along with the Christchurch City Council and Boffa Miskell, has received the NZPI Rodney Davis Award for our work on the Te Ara Ihutai (Moncks Bay) part of the Christchurch Coastal Pathway.

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Celebrating Carbon Positive

At Planz, our commitment to environmental responsibility goes beyond our projects; it's woven into the fabric of our business operations. Our goal isn't just carbon neutrality, we are committed to being carbon positive each year, thanks to Carbon Positive's native tree planting initiatives

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Attention all forestry stakeholders! The world of plantation forestry is evolving.

Upcoming Changes to National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry. Effective from the 2nd of November 2023, the National Environmental Standards for Plantation Forestry will undergo significant revisions

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Understanding New Zealand’s Industrial Climate Regulations and the Impact on Businesses

Understanding New Zealand's new industrial climate regulations and their impact on businesses. We delve into what this means for industrial business owners.

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The National Policy Statement on Highly Productive Land (NPS-HPL) and what it means for you.

The landscape of rural land ownership in New Zealand underwent a significant shift late last year. This might change your plans and also impact your resource acquisition strategies as The National Policy Statement on Highly Productive Land (NPS-HPL) came into play. We delve into what this means for rural land owners.

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Nelson City Council’s Proposed Plan Change 29: Housing and Hazards, what it really means. 

Are you interested in the proposed changes to the Nelson District Plan and what this might mean for your property? The Nelson City Council has notified a significant proposal known as Plan Change 29 (PC29), which aims to reshape housing and intensification rules within the district. The Planz team are here to help.

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Important Update for Christchurch Homeowners: New Short-Term Rental Rules, What Do They Mean?

New Short-Term Rental Rules for homeowners in Christchurch, but what do they mean? At Planz, we are here to assist you with these changes and guide you through the resource consent process, ensuring that you can continue to /or start to rent out your property as short-term accommodation. Our team of experienced planners can help you navigate the process smoothly. We have well-established templates and processes to help your application approval.

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The Story So Far, The Christ Church Cathedral

The Christ Church Cathedral, reinstatement, the story so far. An insight from our heritage building experts. If you have a heritage building that you are wanting to restore, repair or protect, contact our team of heritage planning experts to see how we can help.

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