
Expanding Our Expertise in the Upper North Island

We’re thrilled to announce Emma Miller recently joined the Planz Consultants team! Based in Whangārei, Emma will help extend our reach and expertise across the upper North Island (and across Aotearoa).

Based in Whangārei, Emma will help extend our reach and expertise across the upper North Island (and across Aotearoa). With a wealth of experience and a passion for planning, she brings a practical, solutions-focused approach to every project. We thought what better way to introduce her than sit down over a cup of coffee to get to know her better, we find out what she loves about the world of planning and what she likes to do in her spare time.

So tell us, what got you into planning?

“It was really a process of elimination. I wanted to study something that led to a profession. I’m terrible with numbers, and science isn’t my strong suit, so that didn’t leave many options. When a planning lecturer visited my geography class in high school, it just clicked. It was a logical choice, but one I’ve never regretted!”

What do you love most about your job?

“Planning can be quite confrontational at times, with different parties having their own views, and bureaucracy can make things more challenging. I’ve lost count of how many times Clients have said, ‘I don’t know how you do it!’ But what keeps me going is resolving those issues and seeing clients’ projects come to life. It’s incredibly satisfying to play a role in making their dream and visions turn into a reality.”

What are the common misconceptions about your job?

“At a high school careers day, a student once told me that being a wedding planner must be amazing. Definitely not the kind of planning I do—but it was a memorable mix-up!”

What are you most proud of in your career?

“I’m proud of my reputation and the professionalism I’ve maintained, even in difficult situations. I strive to be objective and realistic with clients about what’s achievable. I’ve recently left a role where I worked for 16 years, and I’m extremely proud of the work I did there and the contributions I made to the company.  I’m looking forward to continuing this on at Planz.

I’m also really proud of my contributions to shaping Whangārei, particularly with projects like the Town Basin, the Loop Walkway, and the (somewhat controversial) Hundertwasser building.”

Where is your happy place?

“I’m a homebody. While I enjoy travel, there’s nothing like coming home. Recently, I’ve rediscovered knitting, so I’m happiest with a glass of wine, knitting while trying to keep up with a TV show—though the multi-tasking can get tricky sometimes!”

What’s your favourite dish to cook?

“I love cooking, mostly because I love eating! I tend to gravitate towards desserts and baking. I enjoy sharing with friends and family—otherwise, I’d eat them all myself!”

Before planning, what’s the strangest job you’ve ever done?

“Not exactly strange, but I worked as a Christmas elf wrapping presents at the mall during high school. It was unusual but a lot of fun!”

Who inspires you?

“Working mums inspire me the most. They juggle so many competing priorities and still manage to excel. My mum is my first inspiration, and I’m lucky to have friends who are incredible mums, raising amazing kids while succeeding in their careers.”

If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

“It’s tempting to say any of the special people I’ve lost, but I think dinner with Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal would be a lot of fun.”

And for a bit of fun, if you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?

“I’d love the ability to have a perfectly clean house at all times. Imagine never having to do housework!”

Ka pai, Emma! Thank you for sharing more about yourself. We’re excited to have you on board and can’t wait to see the expertise you bring to our projects in the upper North Island and across Aotearoa. Not forgetting we can’t wait to try some of your delicious baking too. 

If you have a project, development or planning challenge and would like Emma’s expert guidance, get in touch, we’d love to help turn your vision into a reality.

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