These baseline reports provide the foundation for a full s.32 assessment, guiding the development of new provisions that retain successful elements of the current plan, address identified issues, and update approaches to reflect changes in the environment since the plan was originally developed over 15 years ago.
Planz also played a key role in the preparation and implementation of Plan Change 7, which rezoned 810 hectares of land in Lincoln and Rolleston to a new mixed-density zone. This plan change accommodated 8,800 residential households and focused on consolidating growth around existing urban areas. Plan Change 7 is now operative, with no appeals progressing to the Environment Court, and it earned the 2012 NZPI Best Practice Award and the 2012 NZPI Nancy Northcroft Planning Practice Award.
Planz continues to support Selwyn District Council in this review process, ensuring the District Plan evolves to meet the community’s needs and responds effectively to ongoing development challenges.